
Restlet/Scheduled API – Usage Example

I’ve worked on numerous APIs, some that interface with the GUI such as taking users from Salesforce into Netsuite to create sales orders and shipments and others that take data from proprietary systems and transform that into actionable data in Netsuite. In this example, I created a scheduled script that made a rest call into a proprietary system to pull device usage data for the month, store it in a queue record designed for temporary storage until something is consumed and then call child/worker-scripts to do the processing and create the records necessary.  This whole design was meant to be robust, with several deployments for the worker/child scripts that would reschedule themselves and continue processing an infinite amount of records without hitting governance. The first month we created 6k records and by the 4th month we were creating 25k+ records. These records were used to create aggregate summaries and csvs that we then automatically created on creation of invoices for customers.
